Energy Healing

I will describe what a typical session looks like if you were in the room watching me and I will explain what you would see. I will also talk about what the client might experience to give you some idea of what it's all about.


At the start of a session or before the client arrives I would do some breathing exercises and stand in a particular posture. It might look like a tai chi stance or even a slow-moving aerobic exercise. The purpose here is to energize my own system in order to work with yours. On a physical level you could say breathing deeply oxygenates the blood and physically energizes the body. On an energetic level the deep breathing and special stances do something similar to the body's energy field. If you talked to someone in this state the would usually seem calm but focused and alert.

With the client on a massage table fully clothed I would then go through a series of hand positions starting at the feet. So I would hold both feet then a foot and an ankle, then the other foot and ankle etc. Working my way slowly up along the body. The hand positions are the feet , ankle, knee,hip, around where a belt buckle would be, the solar plexus , the heart, the back of the throat  and the shoulders. Each position getting a few minutes.

To the observer it might look like I am trying to calm or reassure the client with a gentle touch but there is more going on. At each stage I am allowing energy to run through me into the client. I am not putting in my own energy I am charging myself from the energy of the earth and allowing that to pass through me into the client. Usually this feels like heat in my hands and I notice its time to move on when the feeling changes.

The client is lying down on the massage table usually with a light blanket on them. After a few minutes the client usually goes into a very still and relaxed state. They often notice whats going on at the start then go into what seems like a sleep state but not quite. Often they notice what feels like temperature changes in their body and sometimes they cough. Often they replay in their minds some past experience that has bothered them or traumatized them in some way. These thoughts are often associated somehow with the part of the body the healer is working at.

They healing closes by bringing the client into a resting stable state where they are not thinking or feeling much but resting and at peace. It can take several minutes before the client feels like getting up and usually we don't say much to them at that point but rather let them be with their own thoughts and feelings and answer questions later or perhaps the next session.


Now that is a very generalized description and a description can never be an experience, but that's the kind of thing you would see if you were in the room with me working on a client.

If you are curious you are welcome to call and chat to me about it.

Here are all the ways to contact me, I do Skype also on request.

You can make an appointment here  on my scheduler