Sound Healing

You may have noticed that many cultures have an instrument like a bell and these bells are used in spiritual and religious practices. Why is that, do you think ? One reason is that bells can easily produce notes in a special range of sound. The special range tends to put people into a mild trance like state. This state is considered helpful for meditation and prayer.


This effect can be measured by modern science. We can measure brain waves. People in this state display brain waves called alpha waves and this is similar to brain activity just before sleep, but not yet sleep.  A scientist might say a subject is displaying alpha waves in their brain activity but a client of mine would likely say "I was kind of asleep but I knew what was going on."


Without any particular spiritual or religious agenda I use sound to take people into this state and keep them there for some time. The therapeutic effect is a temporary relief from stress, noticeable in a calming of the mind, reduced blood pressure, reduced muscle tension and lowered heart rate and the effect often lasts for hours.  So when I say healing I mean helping the body achieve a relaxed state which is conducive to the body healing itself.


 So how exactly do I do all that?


The main instrument I use is the Tibetan Singing bowl as shown here. They can be very small of a few inches up to very large of 2 feet or more in diameter. They are particularly useful because they produce the special sounds we are looking for while being portable and durable.


They also have one very special ability. The bottom of the bowl can be made to vibrate quite noticeably. When a bowl is on the body for example the lower back you can send vibrations from sound deep into the body. If you have a sore back perhaps from stress. Then a large singing bowl on your back is an incredible relief as the muscle tension releases.

The drum has a special purpose in religious and spiritual practice. Similar to the bells the drum can be used to induce a mild trance state. But instead of special notes it uses repetitive rhythm. 

I also use the drum to slow down or speed people up. By that I mean if I play at a certain speed, then gradually slow the speed until I am eventually at a slow heart beat pace. What do you think happens? The person listening consciously or unconsciously follows the suggestion of the speed of the drum and their breath will slow and their heart rate, they simply calm down.

Have you ever had someone tell you to calm down? Did you calm down just because someone told you? I don't tell people calm down. I ask them to sit or lie down and I use music to calm them down. So I don't ask them to be calm but rather I gently lead them into calmness.

The drum I use is a Bodhran to show my respect to my ancestors.



Other instruments include the gong. These can produce spectacular sound and really shake the air around them. But the are so powerful you need to be gentle and use them sparingly. I tend to use them to build up to a crescendo effect which has a lot of drama. It is a good way to start or finish a session.

I also use sea drums, rain sticks, chimes other drums, shakers almost anything that can conjure a mood or emotion can be used to supplement the basic tools that I use.

When I do individual session in a clinic or at my house I will have the client on a nice massage table for comfort. If I have few people I will use cushions or air mattresses. With larger groups I use yoga mats and whatever extra cushion or blankets can be provided.

You can book individual or very small group sessions here on  my schedule page and larger sessions are usually part of one day or weekend events and I will put them on the website as events as they arise.